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Unia Europejska

Publikacje Radosław Rutkowski

Tytuł: How Pro-Environmental Legal Regulations Affect the Design Process and Management of Multi-Family Residential Buildings in Poland

Autor/Autorzy: Radosław Rutkowski, Miłosz Raczyński

Miejsce publikacji: Energies

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: design, energy efficiency, energy performance of buildings, energy policy, management, multi-family buildings

Abstrakt: This article addresses issues related to the quality of design and subsequent management of multi-family residential buildings in the context of their energy supply. The framework of the analysis carried out here are pro-environmental legal regulations currently in force in Poland. This article describes the impact of these regulations on the design process and the role of the designer. The requirements have been defined and the constraints have been identified. A number of factors directly related to the nature and parameters of the designed buildings and their location have been taken into consideration. On the basis of this study, the impact of legal regulations both on the method of energy supply in the buildings and on their later use and management have been presented. Positive and negative aspects of the analyzed regulations have been indicated and directions for their evaluation and optimization have been proposed. The research was carried out using real buildings, both completed and in the design phase. This article is based on the authors’ extensive experience in designing multi-family residential buildings in Poland.

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Tytuł: Use of TLS (LiDAR) for Building Diagnostics with the Example of a Historic Building in Karlino

Autor/Autorzy: Radosław Rutkowski, Rafał Nowak, Romuald Orłowicz

Miejsce publikacji: Buildings

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: 3D scan, case study, LIDAR, management, measure, quality, TLS

Abstrakt: This article presents the use of TLS (LiDAR) measurement for the evaluation of the technical conditions of a historic building. A FARO M70 laser scanner was used in the study. The measurements was taken as an RCP point cloud. The measurement allowed to partially determine the cause of the building damage. The performed measurement allows to propose a precise solution that could be pre-fabricated. The study shows the usefulness of TLS in building diagnostics. Improper measurement could lead to a wrong solution and a certain degree of uncertainty.

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Tytuł monografii: Application of Computational Methods in Engineering Science


Autor/Autorzy: Radosław Rutkowski, Remigiusz Iwańkowicz

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: assembly sequence, large-size steel structures, management, quality, Shipbuilding

Abstrakt: The paper discusses the problem of increasing the dimensional quality of the ship’s hull at the stage of assembly sequence planning. The specifics of assembly of welded structures and problems related to thermal distortions are described. The welded joints were classified and the influence of welding works on the structure was systematised. A computational control system of the assembly sequence based on expert assessment of the important dimensions of the welded structure has been proposed. The presented method is open and allows for the extension with additional criteria for the optimisation of the assembly sequence. The article contains example calculations for the hull bottom section. Tests show the correctness of the algorithm and its sensitivity to control by weights of welding directions.

ISBN: 978-83-7947-385-4

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Autor: Beata Wysocka

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