Publikacje Artur Kujawski
Tytuł : The Concept of Big Data Management with Various Transportation Systems Sources as a Key Role in Smart Cities Development
Autor/Autorzy: Tomasz Dudek, Artur Kujawski
Miejsce publikacji: Energies
Rok: 2022
Słowa kluczowe: fleet management systems, freight transport, ITS, smart cities, UAV, big data analytics, heterogeneity
Abstrakt: An increasing number of devices and their communication with each other generates huge amounts of data. The efficiency of processing such large and heterogeneous data is crucial for extracting the reliable and consistent information that is needed for the effective management of smart cities within the field of transport. Data heterogeneity and volume as well as its integration and analytics are big challenges for decision-makers. The development of urban agglomerations is largely dependent on the proper management of such data. Therefore, this paper explores the role of these data repositories, their acquisition from different sources, and the ways to combine them. The main goal of this paper is to propose a concept of Smart City management based on Big Data Analytics and technology related to UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) which may reduce costs and resource consumption. The presented concept includes successive data generation and collection, data type identification, problem and requirement identification, filtering, classification, pre-processing, and data optimization, as well as decision support analysis. A key part of this analysis utilizes computer algorithms, such as Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and Thresholding and Blob detection, to develop a multi-camera image recognition system for freight transport management and logistics in smart cities. The objective is to design a system that optimizes the route planning and time of vehicle passage on selected road sections, ultimately leading to the reduction of emissions. During the study, data obtained from multiple sources were compared, and the analysis uncovered different results for the same assumptions. We discuss the reasons for these variances. Overall, the results obtained in the analysis indicated that it is necessary to correct the predictions of the multi-camera image recognition system with additional methods and algorithms.
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Tytuł : Method of Improving Incomplete Spatial-Temporal Data in Inland Navigation, on the Basis of Industrial Camera Images – West Oder River Case Study
Autor/Autorzy: Grzegorz Stępień, Artur Kujawski, Arkadiusz Tomczak, Roman Hałaburda, Kamil Borczyk
Miejsce publikacji: Transport and Telecommunication Journal
Rok: 2022
Słowa kluczowe: freight transport, image processing, inland navigation, geodesy, industrial camera
Abstrakt: Main aim of the paper is to use a single non-metric camera to support the determination of the position of. Authors propose to use the existing infrastructure of CCTV cameras mounted on bridges and wharves to determine the position of inland waterway vessels. Image from cameras giving the pixel coordinates of moving object is transformed to the geodetic data domain using a modified projective transformation method. Novel approach is to use of Sequential Projection Transformation (SPT) which additionally uses virtual reference points. The transformation coefficients calculated using the virtual points are used to determine the position of the vessels and are also simultaneously used to calibrate the industrial camera. The method has been verified under real conditions, and the results obtained are average 30% more accurate compared to the traditionally used projective transformation using a small number of real points.
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Tytuł : Analysis and visualization of data obtained from camera mounted on unmanned aerial vehicle used in areas of urban transport
Autor/Autorzy: Artur Kujawski, Tomasz Dudek
Miejsce publikacji: Sustainable Cities and Society
Rok: 2021
Słowa kluczowe: City logistics, Data acquisition, image analysis, image processing, unmanned aerial vehicles, Data management, City transport
Abstrakt: Nowadays, it is practically impossible to find a public place, where a person or object would not be under constant camera observation (mainly used to monitor traffic and to increase safety). Interpretation of such repositories, due to the huge amount of data, is not an easy task. Thus there is a need to introduce an intelligent processing systems that, through algorithmic image analysis, are able to detect e.g. situations worth of attention. The article presents methods of data acquisition from cameras mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and their further analysis, which may be used to improve urban transportation systems and its sustainability. The worked out data concern the situation of urban transport in points of intersection of national and local roads. The analysis of the road traffic concerning local road restoration, causing road closure was achieved using image processing and analysis algorithms. The data was obtained from unmanned aerial vehicle flights in critical city locations. Result of this paper may be used in the future together with the data from existing intelligent transportation systems (a fusion of such data will be needed). The application of used methods will allow to extend and support the existing approaches to manage public and freight transport in cities.
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Tytuł: Problems with positioning inland vessels on the Western Oder River section between the Długi and the Kolejowy Bridges in Szczecin
Autor/Autorzy: Artur Kujawski
Miejsce publikacji: Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin-Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Rok: 2020
Słowa kluczowe: AIS, communication, inland shipping, positioning, quality, transport
Abstrakt: The main aim of this article is to present a method to process Inland AIS (automatic identification system) data that is part of RIS (river information services), as well as to synthesize and visualize information obtained from it for further analysis. This article presents problems with imaging the position of inland navigation units in the immediate vicinity of the Długi and Kolejowy Bridges in Szczecin. The passing of 80 inland units on this section of the Western Oder River was analyzed. Data were obtained from the AIS message database and industrial cameras of the RIS Monitoring Centre at the Inland Navigation Office in Szczecin. 35 units were equipped with AIS messaging devices. This article analyzed the data after previous processing, which consisted of selecting appropriate research units and decoding AIS messages recorded in the VDM message type (VHF Data Link Message). Then, the acquired positions of inland navigation units on the map were visualized to calculate the number of errors and their location. The obtained data were used to illustrate the locations of interference during the operation of transmitter-receiver equipment that prevented determining the exact position of inland navigation units in the immediate vicinity of the above-mentioned bridges.
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Tytuł: Method of determining new distribution centres within discount stores’ networks
Autor/Autorzy: Bogusz Wiśnicki, Artur Kujawski
Miejsce publikacji: Transportation Research Procedia
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: distribution logistics, distribution centre, model of distribution network
Abstrakt: The aim of the article is to present the results of research location problem of a distribution centre serving a network of discount stores. The proposed method identifies the best location of the distribution centre for the dynamically growing number of retail stores in the high population variability region, and takes into account the key factors affecting the efficiency of the distribution network, i.e. the average delivery distance and time of the distribution process. The method is developing existing multi-criteria analysis methods incorporating non-economic factors. The four basic areas of the analysis include: catchment area, demographic issues, transport infrastructure and economic efficiency. The methodology makes use of up-to-date IT tools for statistical and spatial analysis. The method correctness was tested on the network of existing discount stores in the Pomerania Region in Poland.
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Tytuł: Concept of using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the analysis of traffic parrameters on Oder Waterway
Autor/Autorzy: Tomasz Dudek, Artur Kujawski, Justyna Lemke
Miejsce publikacji: Transportation Research Procedia
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: inland Shiping, transport, image analysis, UAV
Abstrakt: The aim of this paper is to develop a concept of using video materials obtained from unmanned aerial vehicle in the survey of cargo traffic parameters on inland waterways. The analysis was carried out on the example of the navigational sensitive sections of Oder Waterway within the Szczecin agglomeration. The concept provides an analysis of the passing of the push-tag set under the bridges and the winding sections of the Oder River. The study used a simulation model of inland waterway traffic based on information provided from a camera installed on an unmanned aerial vehicle.
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Tytuł: Shipping Safety Management on Polish Inland Waterways
Autor/Autorzy: Patrycja Jerzyło, Paulina Rekowska, Artur Kujawski
Miejsce publikacji: Archives of Transport System Telematics
Rok: 2018
Słowa kluczowe: inland shipping, safety, transport
Abstrakt: Over the past years, the role of inland waterway transport has increased compared to other modes of transport. The increasing intensity of the inland vessel traffic significantly affects the safety of navigation. The article analyses the main causes of accidents and incidents that occurred on the Odra Waterway and Lower Vistula. The authors have classified those accidents and suggested possible directions for the development of inland waterway management in order to improve its efficiency. Navigationally critical areas in the lower section of the rivers Odra and Vistula have been indicated. These areas should be taken into account in long-term planning of the inland shipping development to ensure transport safety.
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Tytuł: A method of determining inland vessel position using a single stationary, non-metric camera
Autor/Autorzy: Artur Kujawski, Grzegorz Stępień
Miejsce publikacji: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Rok: 2017
Słowa kluczowe: image analysis, inland shipping, non-metric camera, projective transformation, UAV
Abstrakt: The article presents results of research on the determine inland vessel position using a single stationary non-metric camera, which was set on the Długi Bridge in Szczecin. Studies included a comparison of graphic methods (i.e. geometric transformation and bunch of rays method) and analytic methods (i.e. 2D to 2D transformation and 3D to 2D transformation). The research material was a video images of inland vessel passing the West Odra River between Długi and Kolejowy bridges in Szczecin. The results of the research was compared to reference points determined using tachymetric surveys and material acquired by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and the GNSS satellite receiver with RTK correction.
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Tytuł: Metody zwiększania efektywności transportu towarowego w obrebie aglomeracji szczecińskiej
Autor/Autorzy: Artur Kujawski, Karolina Pastuszak, Klaudia Kacprzak, Magdalena Franos
Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe
Rok: 2017
Słowa kluczowe: efektywność transportu, logistyka miejska, transport drogowy, transport kolejowy
Abstrakt: W artykule omówione zostały problemy transportowe w obrębie aglomeracji szczecińskiej. Dokonano analizy stanu istniejącego oraz zaproponowano rozwiązania problemów transportu towarowego na przykładzie istniejącej sieci logistycznej. Proponowana metoda polega na odciążeniu transportu drogowego przy wykorzystaniu istniejącej infrastruktury transportu kolejowego, a także przeanalizowanie jaki będzie to miało wpływ na koszty bezpośrednie oraz koszty zewnętrzne dla tych dwóch gałęzi ransportu. W analizie wykorzystano metodę najkrótszej ścieżki do rozwiązania problemu komiwojażera. Metoda ta rozwiązuje graf hamiltonowski w poszukiwaniu minimalnej odległości pomiędzy wszystkimi badanymi punktami i wyznacza najkrótszą ścieżkę pomiędzy nimi.
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