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Godło Polski: orzeł w złotej koronie, ze złotymi szponami i dziobem, zwrócony w prawo logo-sygnet Politechniki Morskiej w Szczecinie - głowa gryfa, elementy kotwicy i sygnatura PM
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Wydział Inżynieryjno-Ekonomiczny Transportu Politechniki Morskiej w Szczecinie

Unia Europejska

Publikacje Natalia Drop

Tytuł : Possibilities of Implementation of the System of Automatic Indication of Safe Clearance under the Bridge in Poland

Autor/Autorzy: Piotr Durajczyk, Natalia Drop, Marianna Maruszczak

Miejsce publikacji: European Research Studies Journal

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: inland navigation, management, RIS system (River Information Service)

Abstrakt: Purpose: In relation to the observed climate changes, the governments of countries- especially those of the European Union- pay more and more attention to the influence of the transport system on the natural environment when creating transport policy. Priority is given to the development of the branches of transport which are least harmful to the environment - rail transport and inland waterways. Due to difficult navigation conditions and poor condition of waterways in Poland, solutions are being implemented to improve the efficiency of inland navigation. One of such solutions is. Approach/Methodology/Design: The first part of the article describes the issues related to inland navigation in Poland, the River Information Services (RIS) system and describes the principles of operation of the system of automatic indication of safe clearance under the bridge. A cost analysis was then made to implement such a system on all bridges with a clearance of less than 5.25 meters on the Oder Waterway. Findings: The system of automatic indication of clearance under the bridge can significantly contribute to safer navigation, more efficient fleet utilization and reduced fuel consumption. Practical Implications: The analysis presented in the paper can serve as a guideline for state authorities and waterway managers regarding the rationale for implementing the system of automatic indication of safe clearance under the bridge and the financial outlays that should be incurred for implementing such a solution. Originality/Value: Inland navigation in Poland is very poorly developed, therefore it is necessary to analyze the possibility of implementing solutions aimed at improving its operation. The system for measuring clearance under bridges is a new solution on a national scale, but one that has a significant impact on the safety and optimization of navigation.

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Tytuł: Possibilities of using inland navigation to improve the efficiency of urban ang interurban freight transport with the use of the RIS system - Case Study

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Drop, Piotr Durajczyk

Miejsce publikacji: Energies

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: city logistic, inland navigation, inland waters, management, RIS system (River Information Service), urban freight transport

Abstrakt: Inland navigation is hardly ever used to transport cargo in cities. In most urban areas, it is performed almost exclusively via road transport, with the virtual exclusion of rail and inland transport. Research and implementation projects in several European cities have shown that employing inland navigation is a viable alternative for road transport in urban areas. The research involved a case study of transporting the same number of 40-foot containers by inland waterway and road and then comparing the results in terms of transport time, transport costs, and carbon dioxide emissions between two metropolitan areas in Poland. The article shows that River Information Services (RIS) system can contribute to improving freight transport efficiency not only on longer routes, but also in urban and inter-urban conditions. The findings were that inland shipping is much cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but transport takes much longer and is not always possible due to insufficient waterway infrastructure. The paper can be used as a road map to proceed with new approach to planning urban and inter-urban logistics, with the use of inland navigation supported by the RIS system. The study delivers evidence that the main benefits of using RIS for urban logistics are: optimization of the cargo route, improved supervision and control of cargo transport, optimization of inter-branch transport, optimization of the use of fleet, more efficient use of technical infrastructure of waterways, combination of many recipients/senders into one transport, and reduction of administrative barriers.

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Tytuł: Utilizing the RIS system to improve the efficiency of inland waterway transport companies

Autor/Autorzy: Piotr Niedzielski, Piotr Durajczyk, Natalia Drop

Miejsce publikacji: Procedia Computer Science

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: management, RIS system (River Information Service), sustainable transport

Abstrakt: Environmental protection and counteracting the effects of global warming have become an important topic of political debate in many countries, especially in Europe. One of the main challenges they face is changing the transport system, which is responsible for a significant proportion of harmful emissions. To achieve this, in addition to improving navigation conditions, inland navigation should be included in the modern intermodal transport chain. The analysis showed that activities in this area should be carried out in two stages. First, it is necessary to meet the boundary condition, i.e., to ensure the appropriate parameters of the waterway, and then it is necessary to implement ICT systems in order to standardize and streamline the process of data transmission between the stakeholders of inland navigation (water and shipping administration, port and terminal managers, shipowners and ship crews). The article presents the status of work on the implementation of the RIS system in Poland and the prospects for its further development, including the enlargement of the area covered by the system, and analyzes the possibilities of implementing new tools dedicated to ship captains and inland shipowners. An important element of the work is to indicate the benefits of using the RIS system by transport companies and the costs of its use.

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Tytuł : Identyfication of areas of Corporate Social Responsibility based on the example of Polish and German seaports in the Baltic Sea Region

Autor/Autorzy: Marianna Maruszczak, Natalia Drop, Piotr Durajczyk

Miejsce publikacji: European Research Studies Journal

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: Corporate Social Responsibility, development, management, seaport, security

Abstrakt: Purpose: The main purpose of this text is to identify active areas of Corporate Social Responsibility in Polish and German ports of the Baltic Sea Region and to subject them to a comparative analysis in order to point out differences and identify their causes. Design/Methodology/Approach: The publication employs research methods characteristic for social sciences, including comparative analysis, analytical methods relating to different types of reports and source material, and a dogmatic method focusing on the analysis of legal text. Findings: Polish and German seaports, despite their proximity and location within the same water basin, differ in their CSR policies. Practical Implications: The results of this study can be used as a starting point for further analysis in the area of Social Responsibility of seaports and as a basis for developing existing and implementing new CSR activities. Originality/Value: The research focused on selected ports located in the Baltic Sea Region. It is important that each port, despite many apparent similarities, is considered separately. This gives a clear picture of the development of public awareness, as it indicates that geographically and economically similar ports are in fact very different from each other.

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Tytuł: Analysis of the Relationship of the Degree of Aviation Sector Development with Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Measures of Economic Development in the European Union Countries

Autor/Autorzy: Piotr Niedzielski, Magdalena Zioło, Jarosław Kozuba, Ewa Kuzionko-Ochrymiuk, Natalia Drop

Miejsce publikacji: Energies

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: management, sustainability, sustainable transport, transport, greenhouse gas emissions government, policy

Abstrakt: The rapid growth of aviation over the past fifty years has resulted in numerous negative environmental impacts due to the combustion of fossil fuels in aircraft engines. This paper presents the relationship between air transport and GHG emissions. Based on data on the development of aviation, the level of GHG emissions from transport, environmental tax revenues and the amount of GDP per capita in the countries of the European Union, an attempt was made to create a typification that would illustrate the interaction of GHG emissions with air transport, environmental taxes and GDP in the years 2009–2018. The next step to confirm the obtained results was the application of statistical methods: the TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method of linear ordering and the Perkal index. Based on the study findings, the analyzed countries were divided into three groups: the group of innovators, the stable group and the group of students. The analysis revealed the relationship of all three analyzed variables with air transport. The development of the aviation sector leads to a significant increase in GHG emissions from transport, increased revenues from environmental taxes and acceleration of the rate of economic growth of a country.

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Tytuł: Evaluation of Intelligent Transport Systems Used in Urban Agglomerations and Intercity Roads by Professional Truck Drivers

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Drop, Daria Kubowicz

Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability

Rok: 2021

Słowa kluczowe: intelligent transport systems, urban logistics, urban freight transport, management, sustainable transport

Abstrakt: Using intelligent transport systems in cities is gaining popularity. The fundamental aim of their existence is to improve safety and traffic flow and prevent congestion in city centres. All people moving around the city, such as public transport passengers, as well as truck and emergency vehicle drivers and drivers of passenger vehicles, are users of intelligent transport systems. Research which was carried out for the article entirely concerns functioning and utility of intelligent transport systems from truck drivers’ experience. The main aim of the research was to evaluate services and tools within intelligent transport systems in European cities which are visited by Polish truck drivers. Our research indicates that most drivers (almost 98%) stated that they find intelligent transport systems useful and 92.5% of interviewed pointed that intelligent transport systems help with their everyday work duties. Of all the tools in the survey drivers agreed that variable content signs, accommodative traffic lights, and extra road illumination have most influence in road safety. Identifying the most useful and helpful tools of intelligent transport systems will allow to define their preferred development directions from truck drivers’ point of view.

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Tytuł monografii: Innowacje i zarządzanie

Tytuł rozdziału monografii: Możliwości substytucji usług transportowych w transporcie pasażerskim na przykładzie podróży na trasie Amsterdam – Bruksela

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Drop

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: transport pasażerski

Abstrakt: Celem rozdziału jest wskazanie i analiza możliwości zastąpienia podróży lotniczych przy wykorzystaniu innych środków transportu, bardziej przyjaznych środowisku. W niniejszym rozdziale zostaną przedstawione dwie alternatywy dla podróży powietrznych na trasie Amsterdam – Bruksela: kolej oraz samochód. Wszystkie warianty zostaną przeanalizowane pod względem kosztu, czasu podróży oraz negatywnego wpływu danej gałęzi transportu na środowisko, wynikającego z emisji dwutlenku węgla podczas jednorazowej podróży. Następnie zostaną wskazane rozwiązania optymalne dla jednej osoby i czteroosobowej rodziny.

ISBN: 978-83-65766-33-5

Tytuł: Airbus’ electrically powered aircraft as an answer to the European Union’s low-carbon policy

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Drop

Miejsce publikacji: Transport Economics and Logistics

Rok: 2020

Słowa kluczowe: air transport, sustainable transport, electrically powered airplane

Abstrakt: Air transport is currently the fastest developing branch of transport, and airlines get to carry more and more passengers and cargo every year. At the same time, societies are more aware of environmental damage caused by transport, which is why the European Parliament developed a document titled An Aviation Strategy for Europe, which points out actions that should be taken in order to make air transport more environmentally-friendly. One of the assumptions is to reduce the greenhouse gas’ emission. The European Parliament suggests the use of biofuels as one of possible solutions to reduce the negative impact air transport has on the natural environment. However, airplane manufacturers come up with different ideas how to reduce emission. Airbus in cooperation with Siemens and Rolls-Royce are working on an electrically powered aircraft. The project the three are working on is called E-Fan X and it involves replacing one of airplane’s four turbine engines with an electric motor with a capacity of 2 MW. The first tests are to be performed next year. The paper describes the idea developed by Airbus, points out its advantages and disadvantages, and forecasts what impact the appearance of electrically powered aircraft will have on the environment and airline industry. The paper will be based on author’s own knowledge and gathered materials, and also on literature analysis, deduction and empirical research using non-experimental methods.

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Tytuł: Prognoza zmian w sposobie funkcjonowania niskokosztowych przewoźników lotniczych na rynku europejskim

Autor/Autorzy: Natalia Drop

Miejsce publikacji: Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie

Rok: 2019

Słowa kluczowe: management, development, strategy, air transport, low-cost air carriers

Abstrakt: Air transport is currently the fastest developing branch of transport. At the same time, it’s the most resource-intensive branch of transport. Doing business in this area requires large amounts of financial and material resources to start, develop and ope-rate. However, it should be noted that eventually all expenses are transferred onto passen-gers. The aim of the article is to describe the mode of action of low-cost air carriers. Then, based on the description, the thesis was formed as “the innovative approach to the issue of cost allowed low-cost air carriers to take advantage of the market, however they will soon have to adjust their strategies to respond to the changing market situation caused by a change in the management model of traditional air carriers”. The beginning of the ar-ticle shows how LLCs (low-cost air carriers) differ from traditional air carriers, then author presented a short historical view of LCCs and what impact their creation has had on the market. Finally, author took an attempt to foresee what are the most important changes LCCs will have to undergo in the near future. Research methods used in the paper are: lite-rature analysis, deduction, empirical research using non-experimental methods, analysis and logical design

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Tytuł: Analiza funkcjonowania niskobudżetowych przewoźników pasażerskich lotniczych w Europie jako przykład innowacji zarządzania

Autor/Autorzy: Andrzej Montwiłł, Natalia Drop


Rok: 2018

Słowa kluczowe: transport lotniczy, pasażerowie, zarządzanie, innowacje

Abstrakt: Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie wyników przeprowadzonej analizy działań innowacyjnych w sferze zarządzania, które doprowadziły do znacznego obniżenia cen biletów za przewozy lotnicze w Europie na krótkich i średnich dystansach, a także próba określenia dalszych tendencji rozwojowych niskobudżetowych przewoźników lotniczych, wiodących do obniżania kosztów przewozu w jeszcze większym zakresie. W ocenie działań innowacyjnych przewoźników niskokosztowych posłużono się takimi metodami, jak: analiza literatury przedmiotu, analiza raportów i opracowań międzynarodowych organizacji zajmujących się problematyką związaną z przedmiotem badań, analiza porównawcza i analiza przyczynowo-skutkowa. Zastosowane metody badawcze pozwoliły na określenie kluczowych różnic w sposobie funkcjonowania przewoźników lotniczych tradycyjnych i niskokosztowych. W efekcie możliwe było wskazanie działań innowacyjnych mających największy wpływ na sukces rynkowy przewoźników niskobudżetowych, owocujący gwałtownym wzrostem pasażerskich przewozów lotniczych na kontynencie w końcówce XX i początku XXI wieku.

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Autor: Karolina Małecka

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